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Top Lighting Tips for Meetings and Events

Top Lighting Tips for Meetings and Events

Lighting is unarguably one of the most important aspects to a corporate event or meeting. It can elevate a space, make you presenters’ shine and add to the ambiance of your event theme. Securing a strong lighting partner who understands your meeting or event objectives and truly knows lighting techniques can be crucial to the success of your event. Here are some top lighting tips for meetings and events:

Creating Atmosphere

Adjust your lighting to suit the mood of the room. Vibrant, bright colors can help get an early morning meeting off and running. Aiming for reds, oranges and yellows will evoke a high-energy space. Shoot for soft colors such as light purples and sage greens to fit a more calming, serene event space.

Signaling Transitions

A shift in color or even a subtle dimming of lights is an easy way to indicate a change in the program. Lighting can be used to signal a transition of speakers and presentation material, or as a way to help move attendees from one space to another.


Pay attention to where you want your attendees to focus. The use of spotlights can quickly emphasize focal points; with follow spots helping to engage an audience prior to a speaker taking the stage. Quick tip for stage décor/lighting: avoid going for the usual black draping, you want your speaker to stand out. Since most presenters tend to wear dark suits, the black against black simply creates the ‘floating head’ syndrome, which occurs because the dark colors fade away and the speaker’s head appears to be the only thing moving on the stage. Opt for a neutral backing, such as light grey in order to make your speaker stand out.

Adding depth

Gobo’s are a great way to add depth and design to any event space! They consist of unique stenciled shadows that can quickly add to an event theme and even provide a platform on which to promote a brand’s logo. Because gobo’s are flexible they can be used in almost any venue and are an easy way to spruce up the atmosphere.


If you plan to use any source of multimedia such as video or livestream, you must make certain you have the area well lit, using at least a basic three-point lighting system. This will ensure that all portions being recorded are easily seen and free of distracting shadows or reflections.


Uplights and pin lighting are great alternatives to gobos when searching a cleaner way to add depth or texture to an event space. Uplights are a ground based system that can enhance the typical ‘pipe and drape’. Pin spots are perfect for lighting tables from above. The main issue with pin spotting has always been the cost involved due to both the technical set-up and rigging fees. But those days are gone, now there are magnetic pin spots available making it easy to place and direct these decorative lights without the expense of rigging!

These top lighting tips can enhance your meeting and events and ensure you achieve your perfect ambiance! Paying attention to the details of lighting can make a huge difference on your budget and on the overall impression your meeting has on attendees.

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SUN, February 09, 2025