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Want more visibility and the opportunity to make a difference in our industry? Apply now for the 2017 SITE SoCal Board of Directors
Dear SITE SoCal members,
We are at that time of the year when we start looking for new members to join the SITE SoCal board for 2017. As the largest chapter in the SITE community, we are proud of our accomplishments to date and feel fortunate to have the strength and support of such enthusiastic and dedicated members.
We have just entered the chapter in the annual SITE awards for Excellence Awards in the areas of Special Events, Membership and Education. Just as a reminder, we won Chapter of the Year in in 2015 and 2005, and the following awards for excellence: Special Event in 2014, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2006, 2004 & 2002, and Membership in 2012.
I am personally committed to finding ways to recognize our board members for the contributions they make, which include developing leadership skills and education. Being on the board does take time, of course; from experience, however, I believe that the benefits of the opportunities that arise from being part of the chapter leadership team outweigh the time commitment.
The job descriptions below are a brief overview; more information and details on what each position entails will be discussed during the interviews that the nominating board will conduct with potential candidates. The existing board leadership has been restructured, so there are new and revised positions available, with director roles to encourage greater participation among our membership. Spreading the workload throughout the board will allow us to become more strategic in our approach, resulting in more benefits to the chapter.
I am excited and honored by the opportunity to lead the chapter in 2017, and I would like to personally invite all members to consider nominating yourself for the board, or someone you think would be a great asset. Nominations are due by August 26, 2016; phone interviews will take place during the first three weeks of September. The preliminary date for the results of the nominations is Thursday, September 29.
Geraldine Gatehouse, Immediate Past President, is heading up the nominating group comprised of myself, Patrick Burkhardt, President, Brigitte Lundrigan, Darrell Benning, Kathryn Wells, and Diane Herrmann. I would like to thank everyone for their time and commitment in helping us choose the best board possible for 2017.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me; in the meantime, we look forward to hearing from you.
Jamie Oakley, 2016 SITE SoCal President Elect
SITE SoCal Board Nomination Form 2016(244.36 KB)
Please email this form by August 26, 2016 to:
Subject: 2017 Board Nominations
If you have questions, please call James Vertovec, SITE SoCal Executive Director - 818-736-5151
Chairperson positions are also available to support the work of many board positions, and can be an invaluable learning process for those interested in joining the board at some future date. Please contact the SITE SoCal office at info@SITESocal.com if you’d like to be involved with SITE SoCal leadership, but are not available to serve on the Board in 2017.
Officer Job Descriptions
(Estimated time commitment 15-30 hours per month, depending on position)
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About the author
2017 SITE SoCal President
President, Revolution RFP, Inc.
Website: www.revolutionrfp.com
Email: joakley@revolutionrfp.com