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SITE Southern California - The Incentive for Excellence Blog

The Incentive for Excellence

An Industry Blog on All Things SITE. Your one stop shop for chapter news, industry events, trends, and tips from the pros.



SITE SoCal’s Tips for Staying Upbeat During Downtime

Be the best version of youQuarantine got you feeling the blues? It is important to keep your energy up during times of uncertainty, stress and inactivity. Studies show that changes in routine, eating habits, exercise, and even human interaction can impact our overall well being.

SITE SoCal has partnered with Very Best You, a division of Twenty156 Events to bring you these tips for Staying Up During Downtime:

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Event Industry Council Releases Content Portal for #COVID19

Event Industry Council Releases #COVID-19 Content Portal

SITE has always played a pivotal role within the greater Business Events / MICE industry and this continues today with SITE CEO, Didier Scaillet, CIS, CITP occupying a seat on the 2020 board of Events Industry Council (EIC).

In this role, Didier has been heavily involved over the past weeks with the creation of a new pan-industry repository of materials related to COVID-19, aka Coronavirus.

Designed to “educate and inform,” the content includes:

  • statements on COVID-19 from Paul Deventer, Chair at EIC
  • an instructional video
  • a detailed FAQ
  • links to reliable sources of information such as World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC)
  • in addition to links to association-specific information already on the websites of all EIC member associations.

View this rich source of content on the COVID-19 Content Portal.

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SITE Global Education Week: 13-17 April 2015

Local engagement… Global reach

SITE Global Education Week is an industry advocacy initiative designed to create awareness and celebrate the impact that the global incentive travel industry has on business growth. Throughout this week, SITE will broadcast webinars on a variety of industry topics that will offer our members and general audience continued education. Visit SITE Global Education Week for more details.

North American Meetings Industry DayIn addition to taking part in the Global Education Week sessions, SITE SoCal is offering two special events of our own for the 2015 North America Meetings Industry Day on April 16.

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Unique Venues - Think Differently!


Not everyone has a million-dollar budget and can offer million-dollar dreams for their clients. Depending on the meeting or client, you may have to get crafty in finding space and a destination that is functional and budget savvy! In the event industry, we are always searching for that perfect venue for our clients. Making their dreams come into focus while doing everything we can to think outside of the box for a truly original idea. Here are a couple of unique and cost-effective venue ideas to consider when booking your next meeting.

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