The Incentive for Excellence
An Industry Blog on All Things SITE. Your one stop shop for chapter news, industry events, trends, and tips from the pros.
You had me at Brunch…
To celebrate Creativity at the May SITE SoCal Luncheon, we had brunch instead of lunch, and took all fundamentals of meeting planning and threw them out the door.
/ōt/ (but we say hot!)
- fashionably elegant or high-class
- to test, examine, prove, scrutinize (to see whether a thing is genuine or not), as metals
- to recognize as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy
Haute Dokimazo was all the buzz at the last SITE SoCal luncheon. After all of us planners got over our anxiety of not being able to actually plan the event, it went great! To be honest, from a Hotel Sales Manager perspective, we were really a dream client.
“How many people and what type of set up do you need for the break outs?”
“We really have no idea. We will just take a corner of the patio and drag chairs from the general session.”
If only it was always that easy!
Was it successful? YAAAAS! Sometimes the only real contact you get at these networking events is by passing the rolls during the speaker’s presentation, and reapplying lipstick together in the bathroom. This event allowed a very intimate setting where you had conversations on topics that were truly meaningful to you. Were we fashionable, elegant, and high class? Of course; this is Southern California! Do I deem it worthy? Absolutely!
About the author
Email: jmartino@estancialajolla.com
Websites: estancialajolla.com | meritagecollection.com