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Event Planning Technology: Past to Present

Event Planning Technology: Past to Present

The team at Fourth Wall Events loves technology and its use in event planning. While we normally cover current trends and look to the future, we’d like to take a moment to examine the history of event planning technology and how it’s changed over the years.

BizBash recently outlined some key technological features, showing where industry technology was, where it went, and where it is today:

Making social connections

Perhaps the main point of hosting and attending an event is to make connections with individuals with like interests – both personally and professionally. In the year 2000, making connections required real human interaction and often the exchange of business cards. Well, that’s no longer the case today.

These days it’s all about social media, with the majority of pre-event engagement taking place on Facebook, Twitter during the events, and Instagram and LinkedIn in the aftermath.

Staying (too) Mobile

Cellphones existed in the year 2000, but they’re nowhere near the smartphones we have today. Smartphones allow users to perform any number of functions, which is incredibly useful at events.

However, smartphones can be a distraction. A recent infographic from UBM Studios, Virtual Edge Institute, and PCMA shows that during their last meeting or presentation 81% of respondents checked email, 48% took a phone call, 35% texted or tweeted out of boredom, 28% shopped or surfed the web, and 18% sent instant messages. Event hosts of today have to compete with so many distractions that were non-existent just 15 years ago.

Redefining the event planning process

In the year 2000, event planning usually revolved around a three-ring binder containing contracts, venue maps, and menus. Nowadays, these documents are all in digital form.

You may think that the rise of technology has made event planning easier, and it certainly has. However, with so many options as a result of the Internet, ranging from music choices and venue options to ideas for decorations and vendors, the process can seem overwhelming with so many options.

Technology is constantly evolving, and as a result, so is event planning. The team at Fourth Wall Events stays ahead of the curve, so you don’t have to. Contact us today!

In Loving Memory - Jon Michaels
2015 SITE SoCal Holiday Event - Making a Differenc...


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